Sketch 55 10th

  1. Sketch 55 10th Avenue
  2. Sketch 55 10th Street
  3. Sketch 55 10th Ave

Released 21 May, 2019 – read release notes


URL Scheme to launch a plugin to a specific command

You can use the new URL scheme to target a particular command of your plugin:

View the profile and 3D models by Yung Samzy (@SSLeaker). Mesh Artist, Custom Skin Editor. The Sketch glitch is unsurprisingly the result of flawed code. When Relm misses Sketch the game still runs the Sketch algorithm but doesn't display the result or activate the associated monster attack. So to start with it helps to understand how the Sketch command normally functions, and then discuss what happens differently when Relm misses.

You can also pass in params. Note that this is the second URL scheme. The first was to open a particular document with sketch://path/to/file.sketch.

The action HandleURL will be triggerend when it is opened with the URL scheme above, including an action context containing three keys:


The NSURL that triggered this action.


A string containing everything after sketch://plugin, e.g. /my.plugin.identifier/my.command.identifier.


An object containing the query of the URL, e.g. for sketch://plugin/my.plugin.identifier/my.command.identifier?foo=bar&baz=qux, query will be:


You’ll need to have manifest file setup properly to be able to trigger a function on the HandleURL Action:

In JavaScript, implement the action handler as follows so that when the user navigates to the url sketch://plugin/com.sketchapp.examples.log-message/log-message?foo=Hello%20World a message will appear in the app with the text Hello World.

Sketch 55 10th avenue

Note that the user in this case will need to have the plugin installed and a document already open. You can also make a new document for the user like this:

The full plugin example can be found here.

Add isSelected method on a CurvePoint

In case the user is currently editing a path, you can check if a curve point is selected using the curvePoint.isSelected() method.


If the user is selecting a point of a shape you can check it with:

Here is an example for how you might use it in practice. Create and select a rectangle in your Sketch document.

Sketch 55 10th Avenue

getSelectedDocument() previously threw an error without an open document, now returns undefined instead

Babel would tranform [nativeDocument] = NSApplication.sharedApplication().orderedDocuments() assuming that it’s a proper array but it’s not, it’s an NSArray so it would throw an error.

This is a great addition with the URL example from earlier. We can confidently check if there is a current document open or not.


Improve consistency by deprecating Fill.fill in favor of Fill.fillType

This was done to match Border.fileType and other types.


Setting a fill is more consistent to setting a border.


Sketch 55 10th Street


Some better logging of the prototype of wrapped objects

There was a bug in the util.inspect algorithm (which console uses) that makes it think the prototype of a wrapped object is a wrapped object and uses the code path for wrapped object. This has been fixed for better logging output.

Sketch 55 10th Ave

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