Trim Enabler 3 5 – Improve Solid State Drive Performance

  1. To run trimforce type the following command into the terminal window: sudo trimforce enable. Yosemite 10.10.3 Thanks to you all for the help in testing Chameleon on Yosemite 10.10.3 and for your support, I really appreciated it! Increase Your SSD Life and Performance! Chameleon is an optimization tool for Solid State Drive on Mac OS X system.
  2. Trim is must-have feature for most Solid State Drives. It not only increases data writing speeds, but it increases the lifetime of the SSD itself. With Trim Enabler, you can bring that feature to Mac OSX. It’s as easy as flipping a switch. Version 3.2.5: Trim Enabler can now disable kext signing in order to enable Trim on Yosemite.
  1. Trim Enabler 3 5 – Improve Solid State Drive Performance Tool
  2. Trim Enabler 3 5 – Improve Solid State Drive Performance Standards

With Trim Enabler, you can bring trim to any solid state drive. Trim is must-have feature for most SSDs. It not only increases data writing speeds, but it increases the lifetime of the SSD itself. It’s as easy as flipping a switch. Version 3.5: Added support for macOS 10.12 Sierra; HTTPS security fixes; Compatibility.

The universal fact that an SSD is faster than a normal hard disk drive is undisputed. Although HDDs are cheaper it is definitely wise to spend a few extra bucks on an SSD when looking for speed.But do you know that there can be degradation in the performance of an SSD if a proper Background garbage collection method is not enabled in your SSD?

This is where TRIM comes into play.


What is TRIM?

TRIM as mentioned above is a command that enables your operating system to tell the solid-state drive that a particular data on your solid-state drives are no longer needed and they can be erased internally. IF the TRIM feature is not enabled on the drive, the SSD considers the data to be valid until the operating system notifies SSD to overwrite the data. Hence, the usable storage space available on the drive decreases.

Before understanding how the TRIM feature works, it is important to know about the concept of garbage collection. When compared to HDD, the SSD cannot overwrite the old data unless the data is erased.

Garbage collection is a process where the invalid data is separated from the valid data on data block. During this process, the valid data is copied on to a new block and the entire block containing the old information is erased completely. This way, the SSD is freed for more space so that new data can be accommodated on the drive.

Why is TRIM important?

  • TRIM command when enabled can not only increase the life of your SSD but it can also boost the data access speeds on the computer.
  • The fundamental methodology of storing data on SSD is erasing and writing. When you have data written on an SSD that is no longer needed, the sector on the SSD is first erased and then rewritten which accounts for the delay.
  • TRIM enables the SSD to overwrite the data without erasing the existing information that decreases the significant delay.
  • This command additionally enhances the security of your data saved on the solid-state drive. It simply makes data recovery difficult on your SSD. Hence the data once deleted is overwritten when new data is saved on the drive. However, if the data is not overwritten you can retrieve deleted data from SSD drive

How does TRIM command work?

  • The memory on an SSD is divided into blocks and the blocks are further divided into pages. SSDs unlike operating systems do not understand file systems and hence only understand blocks rather than pages.
  • When a trim command is run, the operating system sends a signal to SSD to trim the specific page information on the block that needs to be marked as ready to use, so that the existing data is overwritten.
  • As the garbage collection process takes place this newly marked invalid data is erased making more space for usable data
  • As the number of reads, write and erase cycles on pages /blocks increases the SSD’s life cycle decreases. Hence by using this command the erase cycles on the pages marked for deletion is completely avoided and the life expectancy of the SSD is increased as a result.

How to check if trim command is enabled in the computer?
Today most SSD’s come with TRIM feature enabled by default. However, we provide the following step by step procedure to check if TRIM is enabled on your SSD:

Step 1: Type cmd in the start menu.
Step 2: Right-click on the cmd suggestion and select Run as Administrator.
Step 3: In the command screen displayed type the command: “fsutil behavior query disabledeleteNotify” and hit enter
Step 4: if “DisableDeleteNotify=0” is displayed TRIM is enabled on the computer else if the value “DisableDeleteNotify=1” is displayed TRIM is disabled.

How to enable TRIM in command prompt?

Step1: Type cmd in the start menu.
Step2: Right click on the cmd suggestion and select Run as Administrator.
Step3: once the Administrator command prompt is open type the command: “fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify=0” and hit enter
Step4:DisableDeleteNotify=0” is displayed when the trim is enabled.

Trim Enabler 3 5 – Improve Solid State Drive Performance Tool

How to disable TRIM?

Trim Enabler 3 5 – Improve Solid State Drive Performance

Step1: Type cmd in the start menu.
Step2: Right click on the cmd suggestion and select Run as Administrator.
Step3: once the Administrator command prompt is open type the command: “fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify=1” and hit enter.

Trim Enabler 3 5 – Improve Solid State Drive Performance Standards

How to recover data when TRIM is enabled?
A few SSD data recovery techniques can recover data as long as data on the SSD is not overwritten. However if the data is overwritten, data unfortunately cannot be retrieved.