Appdoo 1 0 3 Fraction
A numerator is allowed to take on the value of zero in afraction. Any legal fraction (denominator not equal to zero) with anumerator equal to zero has an overall value of zero.
Download file - FAST INSTANT DOWNLOAD Download type. For example the number 2.5333. Is broken into the sum 2.5+0.0333, 2.5 becomes 5/2 and 0.0333 becomes 33/990 or,simplified, 1/30. The result of the conversion is therefore (5/2)+(1/30)=38/15. All fractions are reduced as soon as possible to simplify the subsequent operations. When the number cannot be converted.
This means , , all have a fractionvalue of zero because the numerators are equal to zero.
Example 1: Find thenumerator, denominator, division symbol, and value for the simplefraction .
Answer. The numerator is 0, the denominator is 9, thedivision symbol is -, and the value of the fraction is 0 because thevalue of the numerator is zero.
Example 2: Find the numerator, denominator, divisionsymbol, and value for the simple fraction .
Answer. The numerator is 0, the denominator is -11,the division symbol is -, and the value of the fraction is 0 becausethe value of the numerator is zero.
Appdoo 1 0 3 Fraction Decimal
Example 3: Find the numerator, denominator, divisionsymbol, and value for the simple fraction .
Answer. Not a legal fraction, no value because the denominatoris not allowed to have a value of zero. (See Rule 1).
Work the following problems and clickon Answer to check your results.
Problem 1: Write the numerator,denominator, and division symbol for the simple fraction .
Appdoo 1 0 3 Fraction Equals
Problem 2: Write the numerator, denominator, and division symbolfor the simple fraction .
Problem 3: Write the numerator, denominator, anddivision symbol for the simple fraction .
Problem 4: Write the numerator, denominator, and division symbolfor the simple fraction .
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